The Lesson of the Tower of Babel.

Jordan Peterson said in a meeting on 2/27/2024 that the lesson from the Tower of Babel is man placing things in the place of God. He said that at its core the Tower of Babel was a technological feat. And that technology is not bad or a moral evil but the elevation of technology as a savior is. Jordan claims, and I agree, that technology has caused a degradation of meaningful communication while bolstering a superfluous amount of meaningless data. The very thing we see as helping us to communicate more and better is destroying meaning in communication. We understand each other less. He gave the example of us no longer being able to define what a woman is (referencing the documentary by Matt Walsh).

I would offer that being able to transmit our every thought, emotion, and experience has divorced them from meaning. We document and share our plates of food as though that act possesses actual meaning. And people share emotional responses to facts as though it were just as valid as the fact itself.

Dr. Walter Martin in a booklet in 1968 made a similar observation. Stating that the world is currently not looking for a theological savior but a technological savior. He said that this very well could be the anti-Christ described in the bible and it will destroy not save.


The problem with Textual Criticism.

Peter Van Kleek in his book “Then He Poked the Bear” lays out the same Tower of Babel issue with “Modern Biblical Textual Criticism” or MBTC. Archeology or even textual studies are not morally evil but the elevation of rational considerations above God’s promise to preserve his own words that is a metaphorical Tower. Man elevating his dominion above that of God’s stated authority is morally wrong and under the same judgment of those at Babel. Peter rightly claims that the word of God is the highest authority and only God gets to determine what is or is not God’s word. That is what he means by “the Word of God is self-authenticating”.  When MBTC tries to exercise authority over God’s word then we have confusion and misunderstanding. And in a culture that has practically unlimited and free access to God’s Word, most do not read it or deme it unreadable and settle for corrupted versions.

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