The Myth of Dual Identity

Can a person be a sinner and a christian? Can a person truly have a dual identity? No. Your identity is either in sin or in Christ. Pretty simple. Yes christians still sin or even struggle with sin bu...

Urgent Love

Hey Doc A man walks into an emergency room with a 2X4 sticking out of his chest. He is made comfortable for an hour in the waiting room and then sent home hopefully thinking that the nurses were reall...

Marriage is Marriage and that’s what it is

“Father, how many legs would this calf have, calling the tail a leg? Why five, my son. No, father, he can not. He would have only four. Why, calling the tail a leg, you said, my boy. Ah father! ...


Wait before you do anything you should A.S.K.   “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks  receives, and the on...

The Purpose of a Pastor

The office of Pastor was established by God. We should look to Him in determining our expectations on what role the pastor should serve in our churches. God has made very clear what he expects of the ...

Verse 20

So I asked my class “How many of you have heard of the great commission?” Most of the cute little hands went up. (Don’t tell them I called their hands cute. They are too cool for that.) So t...

Called and Sent

There seems to be a lot of attention on the idea that we as believers are sent by God into the world (Mk15:16). But if we focus on just being sent then we are in danger of missing out on the blessings...

Roots or Rock

Roots The giant sequoia trees in California can grow to be over 100 feet tall but have a root system less than 20 feet deep. They must grow in groves in order to support each other. This picture of co...

The Purpose of Church

  For Us Jesus is the foundation of the church (Mt16:18) so we must look to Him and his teaching on the matter of church purpose (Eph1:22). And according to the Teacher the church was not established...

Speak Life, Hear Grace

*Speak Life Speak life means sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for our sins. And reconciling us to God by his grace and through faith. But it also means encouraging one another. ...