Critical Theory and Textual Criticism?

Yes, there are ties between critical theory and textual criticism, although they represent distinct fields of study within the broader realm of literary and cultural analysis. Textual Criticism: Textu...

ESV and Inerrancy

The Bible, as one of the most revered and widely read texts in human history, has undergone centuries of transmission, translation, and interpretation. Recently, however, a new process has shaped the ...

The Origin of Skeptical Textual Criticism?

Modern Textual Criticism: Modern textual criticism is a scholarly discipline that involves the analysis and comparison of different manuscript copies of ancient texts, particularly those of the Bible....

The Bright Star Statement on Biblical Preservation

The Bright Star Statement on Biblical Preservation Preamble: We affirm the divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, consisting of the sixty-six canonical books of the Old and the New Testaments (fro...

Impossible to Forgive

There are things that we just automatically put in the category of unforgivable. Many of us carry around pain and hurt from things we feel we can never forgive.   In Mt 6:14-15 Jesus made us...

Forsaking the Assembling?

In History Some are wondering if it is wrong or against God’s wishes for churches to meet only online. This is a very fair question. We have not faced this in living memory. But we have faced th...

Husband of One Wife

What about female deacons… that’s a no no right? Sorry. The qualification given for deaconship listed as ‘husband of one wife’ cannot mean what many denominations have tried to...

Insecurity and Positive Thinking

There is no power in positive thinking to correct or help with insecurities. I just want to get that out of the way, right off the bat.  The answer to insecurities is much simpler than that. We all i...

What is #expectmore about?

The “#expectmore” movement is a call for the lay christian to hold his church accountable to the purpose for which it was called. Not to leave a church because they are not being fed or are unha...

The Good Christian Lie

Do Good This lie is the enemy’s most pernicious weapon. He tricks us into thinking that being a christian is about what we do or don’t do. It is not. We tend to judge our christian walk by...

Christians and Christmas

So how do we Christians feel about Christmas these days? With all the commercialism and stress, how do we keep Christmas true to its meaning? That and more on our Christmas show! Participants (In no p...

Denominationalism. (Say that three times fast!)

This call was recorded in September 9, 2008. The topic is Denominationalism. Nope, we are not picking on any specific denominations, or any specific denominational beliefs. We are just discussing what...