The Levels of Love

Levels of Love So you want to know the secret to a GREAT CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE? Don’t want to go to a marriage retreat causing you to miss football or an embarrassing seminar where you have to hear the...

Overcomers of the World

We are told that we are overcomers of the world in Christ and thats a wonderful blessing because there is no shortage of world to overcome. The world is full of people that call themselves our enemies...

Create Gratitude and be Thankful

Regardless of your situation it is God’s will for you to be full of gratitude. “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Th 5:18). Why? Because...

Get Stuck Like Glue to a Friend

Stuck Like Glue We all want good friends and hopefully we want to be good friends. I would go so far as to say we need good friends. Did you know that God wants us to have and be good friends? He want...

SuperLike is not Biblical Love

Superlike Imagine a gauge that measures your food preferences. At the bottom of it is “Can’t stand it!” This is where the foods live that you just can’t choke down. For me that is sour kraut, ...

Let’s Make a Deal!

Remember Monty? The smiling face from the game show that was perpetually 1976? If you’re to young then check it out on GSN or youtube sometime. Monty was a shrewd evil man that delighted in toy...

Urgent Love

Hey Doc A man walks into an emergency room with a 2X4 sticking out of his chest. He is made comfortable for an hour in the waiting room and then sent home hopefully thinking that the nurses were reall...


Wait before you do anything you should A.S.K.   “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks  receives, and the on...

Speak Life, Hear Grace

*Speak Life Speak life means sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for our sins. And reconciling us to God by his grace and through faith. But it also means encouraging one another. ...