Critical Theory and Textual Criticism?

Yes, there are ties between critical theory and textual criticism, although they represent distinct fields of study within the broader realm of literary and cultural analysis. Textual Criticism: Textu...

The Sovereignty of God over His Word

The Question The Reformed church has historically held a profound reverence for God’s sovereignty. However, in recent times, there appears to be a willingness, almost eagerness, within this chur...

ESV and Inerrancy

The Bible, as one of the most revered and widely read texts in human history, has undergone centuries of transmission, translation, and interpretation. Recently, however, a new process has shaped the ...

The Origin of Skeptical Textual Criticism?

Modern Textual Criticism: Modern textual criticism is a scholarly discipline that involves the analysis and comparison of different manuscript copies of ancient texts, particularly those of the Bible....

The Bright Star Statement on Biblical Preservation

The Bright Star Statement on Biblical Preservation Preamble: We affirm the divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, consisting of the sixty-six canonical books of the Old and the New Testaments (fro...