Against Kenyonism

The doctrines of the Word of Faith movement as defined by Kenneth Hagin and his followers are a different gospel, unbiblical, and heretical. All of the core doctrines can be traced back to E.W. Kenyon...

Modern Textual Critism and why it matters (part 2)

Mark 16:9-20 Should it be in your bible? It currently is in most modern translations but almost always with a footnote: [Some of the earliest manuscripts do not include 16:9–20.] – ESV [The ea...

Deconstructive Agenda: No Orthodoxy

Deconstructive Progressive Christianity asserts that orthodoxy should not be embraced due to its perceived origin as a human-made construct, attributed either to the gradual evolution of time or to th...

Deconstruction Agenda: Polygamy

The bible clearly teaches that a biblical marriage is between one woman and one man then we must make the decision to submit to God's word or to our own way of thinking, desire, lusts, and covetousnes...

It’s not Us vs Them

I firmly believe it is imperative that we abandon our political positions, parties, and allegiances and instead engage in an intentional campaign to connect opinions, views, statements, and beliefs di...

Impossible to Forgive

There are things that we just automatically put in the category of unforgivable. Many of us carry around pain and hurt from things we feel we can never forgive.   In Mt 6:14-15 Jesus made us...

Beans in the Chili

Real Chili In Texas, we are proud of the traditional chili dish that was originated here. Chili is actually short for Chili con Carne which is Spanish for Meat with Peppers.  All true Texans know tha...

Textual Criticism and Why it Matters

What is it? Well, the “textual” part is the study of the old manuscripts that make up our bible. The Criticism part is the practice of those that study these old manuscripts to discern whi...

Forsaking the Assembling?

In History Some are wondering if it is wrong or against God’s wishes for churches to meet only online. This is a very fair question. We have not faced this in living memory. But we have faced th...

The Reformation is Not Over

Ol’ School On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther began the process of casting off human doctrines that had grown within the church. These teachings had grown from traditions and errors to become in...

Let it Go – Part 2 – How to

Ok but HOW?! As I searched the scripture to answer this question in a practical way I began to see the flaw in my thinking. There is no practical real answer to this. I searched the bible for passages...