The Root of a False Dilemma

Christians have been arguing about free will since about 400 AD when Augustine decided to reject it. These views were used by the Catholic church to baptize babies, and teach that there is always sin ...

Did we miss it? (part 4) – History

The establishment of the doctrine of Preterism comes at the end of the Second Great Awakening right after the Great Disappointment. This is when William Miller predicted the Second Coming of Christ in...

Did we miss it? (part 5) Preterism is Self Refuting

Full Preterism holds that all Bible prophecy was fulfilled by the fall of Jerusalem in AD70.  It arose out of Preterist Universalism in the 19th century, and teaches that all “end times” propheci...

Did we miss it? (part 2) Daniel

This gets a little technical but I think it’s worth looking at because it shows a fatal flaw in a core tenet of Preterism. To review Preterism is the doctrine that attempts to claim that all pro...

Did we miss it? (part 1) This Generation

Preterism is the Christian eschatological view, which claims that all prophecies of the Bible as events have already happened. There are several camps within the view. Most people who call themselves ...

Calvinism is not the Gospel

“The biblical gospel is summed up in these truths we call the doctrines of grace, the five points of Calvinism. If we lose these truths then we lose the biblical gospel.” -Jeff Durbin (sermon min ...

Special Revelation vs. Specific Direction

Special Revelation Continued Special Revelation is a hallmark of the new-age church that is prevalent in our culture today. The new-age church goes by many names: Word of Faith, New Apostolic Reformat...

The Real Secret Knowledge

The Lord God does not hide knowledge and wisdom for chosen gurus and special sages to seek out. It is our enemy that takes us captive by lies, and hides the truth of God. (2 Tim 2:26) No, in fact God ...

The Main Thing

While reformed theologians study ways to accuse the Arminians of Pelagianism and the Arminian scholars are working hard to put gnostic roundup on the TULIP neither is sharing the gospel and the fox is...

The Importance of Forgiving Others

“Blessed are the merciful, For they shall be shown mercy.” Mt 5:7 To show mercy is to not punish or harm someone who has earned vengeance or wrath. God shows his mercy and defines it with forgiven...